Sponsor lounge
Without sponsors no event. This goes for almost everything, from smaller to larger sports events. It goes without saying that the appreciation for your sponsors, from you as an organiser, is big. Would you like to offer your sponsors just that little extra during your next event? Event en Route will make an excellent sponsor lounge. Beforehand we will discuss what kind of atmosphere you would like to create and what decoration and facilities are needed. There is little chance that sponsors will pull out after this event.
Sponsor trailer; nice examples
For many years Event en Route has been present at the ‘Tour de Wallonie’. The major sponsors visit our trailer. We give them a warm welcome with a bite and a drink. The fact that we welcome many familiar faces every year says it all. Also during carnival we have rented out our Event en Route, among others to carnival association ‘de Rogstaekers’ from Weert. Despite the fact that this often takes place in a colder time of year we can offer the sponsors (thanks to the heating) a warm welcome. By the way, warmer days are not a problem either: Event en Route is air conditioned. We are prepared for every type of weather, and guests can enjoy a pleasant visit to Event en Route.