Arrangements Event en Route
You can see Event en Route as a ready-made service. Available to you on a rental basis, ranging from one day to more days or weeks. From the outside the unit is neutral, but with the aid of visuals and logos it can be fully tailored to your wishes. So it will promotionally be a real eye catcher for your company or campaign.
Event en Route is representative; a luxurious lobby, aimed at business meetings. Decoration, catering, music and entertainment can be fully personalized. Wi-Fi and state-of-the-art multimedia techniques are available for presentations. Be it cold or warm outside, inside it is always agreeable thanks to an advanced climate control system.
Additional catering services, varying from snacks to a multiple course cold and warm buffet, freshly made, stylishly presented and served out appropriately. Anything is possible. Special wishes can be realised in close consultation.
Whatever arrangement you choose, top quality is our motto.